
The Top Interview Deal-Breakers That Annoy Every HR Recruiter

Source: Glassdoor The Top Interview Deal-Breakers That Annoy Every HR Recruiter ~ An alternate title for this article could be “Ways to guarantee you’ll NOT get the job.” We consulted with Jamie Hichens, a recruiter at Glassdoor who’s seen it all when it comes to interviews. Here she shares interview “deal-breakers,” aka things that would that may tank a candidate. If an interview is in your future, this article is a must-read. “The worst one is coming unprepared,” says Hichens, matter of factly. “For example: not having researched the company, the role, the people they are interviewing with, and not having questions prepared.” What’s the #1 deal-breaker that would absolutely immediately eliminate a candidate from the running? However, according to Hichens, being unprepared is not the top reason that many HR recruiters will disqualify a candidate for employment. Instead, arriving fashionably late — or worse, not at all — will nearly guarantee that even the most stellar candidate will not get a job offer from a recruiter. “Being late to an interview with no explanation or without emailing or calling ahead to say they are running late. This one will knock out  99% of interviewees,” says Hichens. “At the very least,