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7 Executives Share Their Top Tips For Overcoming Self-Doubt

Source: Glassdoor 7 Executives Share Their Top Tips For Overcoming Self-Doubt ~ We all feel like impostors sometimes. Self-doubt creeps in, and we convince ourselves we actually can’t crush that presentation or apply for that new dream job. But if there’s good news about this feeling, it’s that we all experience it from time to time—even the most successful among us. So we’ve asked seven people from various career fields to share their top tips for overcoming self-doubt and getting the job done. Put ‘em into practice, and we promise you’ll feel more confident in no time. 1. Imagine yourself where you want to be. “Because I’m making my living helping others sell themselves as subject matter experts and industry leaders, confidence is the name of the game. Any self-doubt would kill my brand! On days that I don’t feel my most accomplished, I imagine myself already having achieved the level of success I want to achieve. This is a little mind trick that leaves no room for self-doubt. It’s not crazy—it’s creative, and shifts the brain to focus on the positive.” —Michelle Dempsey, owner of Michelle Dempsey Very-Well-Written and co-founder of ProFemme 2. Know that you’re not alone in